Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Have you ever been so busy that you feel like no matter how hard you try to keep up, life is still passing you by? That's how it's been for the past couple of days. I'm spent.

Today I actually got to the point where I was so overwhelmed that I basically shut down. I was sitting in my team meeting, normally a relaxing and slow-paced time of catching up with each other, and I just sat there like a zombie. The whole time, all I could think about was everything that wasn't getting done. I had spent the last three days working on an enormous project that was overdue, and while I was working on it, other urgent things were piling up in my inbox.

The thing is, with the position that I'm in now, when something doesn't get done, it directly affects the kids we work with. Sometimes in not such a small way. It might mean they have to wait another day before they get an emergency kit after a hurricane or that less money is raised for the Global Food Crisis. It's a lot of responsibility, so it makes days like today - when I feel totally inadequate - very difficult.

It's not just work that's overwhelming me. I feel like I've neglected ... well ... pretty much everything else in my life: my friends, family, my dog, my gym schedule, my blog and most importantly, my time with God.

I'm a strong extrovert, but I've discovered that there's limits to my extrovert-ness and I think I've reached my limit.

I need to recharge. I need to get plugged back into God and His word. It's hard to believe that I started this month off with 12 days of vacation. How quickly I can get sucked back into the crazy pace of life and lose focus on what's important.

If you think of it this week, pray for me. I could use it.

"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." ~Jesus


Anonymous said...

Becky -- I'll be praying for you. Also, would you please pray for our son, Chris? He's having a rough week with his job. He's an airline pilot, and has been laid off as of Nov. 30; also was moved from St. Louis to Washington D.C. this week. The company was supposed to pay for his U-Haul, but now he hears they might not cover it ($1,100.00 already spent on it). He is only on "reserve" while in D.C. this month, and was to report Monday, but he was sick. Now they're calling him back to the Chief Pilot (in St. Louis) tomorrow -- apparently he's in trouble for being sick. He has never called in sick before. Needless to say, he's under a lot of stress!

He's a very strong Christian, but this is tough. He's living temporarily in a "crash pad" apartment setting for pilots since he won't be there long enough to rent an apartment. They say this disqualifies him for the U-Haul re-payment. We're just trusting that God is in this, as always, and will use it for good.

Also -- take a look at my post about "Rest" --

I think Chris and I need to take these words to heart, too, this week. Blessings on you!

Amber said...

I will pray for you, Becky. If you want to take a walk today or tomorrow and just breathe for 10 minutes, let me know!

Anonymous said...

As I was praying for you this morning, this is the scripture that kept coming to me: Isaiah 51:1-3. "Look to the rock from which you were hewn..." I can't help but think you have not only the Rock of Jesus, but the Rock of Compassion's ministry. Think of all who have gone before you, and how God strengthened and supported each of them. He will direct you as well! Watch to see Him do the things only He can do, as you rest in Him! All you need to do is join Him in the work He does, for this work is His very heartbeat!

Ric Sieben said...

Hang in there, Becky. You're a strong person with strong faith. Lean on Him to help get you through these overwhelming times and know that you are doing a great job.

Brianne Michelle said...

Becky - I will be praying for you. It was so encouraging to read your blog. I feel like your Wed was a small glimpse into my today (but probably not as intense). Anyway, thanks for your honesty. It is refreshing :)

Jen Kent said...

Know exactly how you feel Becky! I feel like I can barely keep my head above water this week much less make progress. But I do know that something I can do is pray for you, so know that I am!

Becky said...

Thanks, guys! You all are so encouraging.

God is so good to me and sometimes it takes days like Wednesday to remind me of that.

Juli, I will say a prayer for Chris. That's a lot to deal with.