Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It was supposed to be about Jesus.

So I guess I didn't put enough context in my post yesterday. I actually had intended to go all spiritual on you (as in, the more time I spend with Jesus, the more I will "look" and act like Him.)

However, you apparently thought I was talking about 1. my family 2. Chris or 3. my dog.

So I'll let you decide ...



Is it true?


Amber said...

Gosh, I must not be as spiritual as you. My first thought was Chris. You don't look like your dog, but you're both cute.

Christer said...

Hmmm ... Havana and Chris are both fuzzy ... does that count?

My wife is hot ... and that'd be kinda weird to say about my sisters.

I've seen pet-owner combos that resemble each other much more.

Becky said...

Chris is only fuzzy sometimes. And I most certainly am NOT!