Thursday, July 24, 2008


I realize posting something like this is asking for a debate. But it moved me enough to post it anyway. I've never read a better explanation of why we should end the war in Iraq.

Support Your Troops
(This was written by Shane Claiborne after coming home from Iraq on a Christian peacemaking team.)
On the way home from the airport after returning from Baghdad, we passed a billboard that read: "God bless America and Our Military." Coming home has been a culture shock to say the least. The billboard has haunted me.

As the justification for this war progressed, the "logic" became increasingly difficult to follow as the "War on Terror" lost its steam having such weak evidence of Saddam's link to Osama or even the possibility of his regime's connection to Sept. 11. So the language moved to that of "disarming the weapons of mass destruction," only to find the unlikely presence of those weapons or the embarrassing truth that most likely Saddam got the weapons from the US. Now the language has become one of liberation (or as I say, counterfeit liberation for our team in Baghdad has told us of the graves being dug outside the children's hospital, and of their greatest fear that Americans will have seen the celebration of a few hundred Iraqi's on TV and think that this is the spirit of the 5 million folks in Baghdad who are solemn, angry, and skeptical).

What has become strikingly clear is that the strategy for hooking the US public support into the war is the extravagant deployment of hundreds of thousands of soldiers into the region. Public opinion immediately changed when they had a direct link to the conflict. The war now had a face (and the media has done their work of hiding the true Iraqi faces). People are no longer able to think theologically or intellectually or even rationally about the war, because their children are there and that trumps any other processing.

But the price of this tactic where people (many of them marginalized youth from neighborhoods like mine who see no other way to college but by joining the military) is so high, immeasurable, human beings becoming political currency. Not only is the cost in terms of the dozens of dead US soldiers and thousands of slaughtered Iraqis, but there is also a price for those who survive the war, who live in the ethos of the false celebration of redemptive violence . I now say: "I am not only against the war because I love the Iraqi people. I am against the war because I love the American people." "Successful" wars do not make for a safer world. Let's us look at the products of "successful" war.

One of the fruits of the 1991 Gulf War is a decorated US Army veteran named Timothy McVeigh. He wrote home from the war to his family and told them he felt like he was turning from a human being into "an animal... because day after day it gets easier to kill." And then he came home, horrified, crazy... the worst domestic terrorist we have ever seen. His essays cry out against the hypocrisy of the United States accusing Iraq of stockpiling weapons when we have stockpiled the same weapons for over 40 years, scorning the inconsistency of our government's outrage at Saddam's attack on Kurdish civilians after we killed 150,000 civilians in the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombing. He saw through the lies he had been told. McVeigh wrote this: "Do people think that government workers in Iraq are any less human than those in Oklahoma City? Do they think that Iraqis don't have families who will grieve and mourn the loss of their loved ones? Do people believe that the killing of foreigners is somehow different than the killing of Americans? When a US plane or cruise missile is used to bring destruction to a foreign people, this nations rewards the bombers with applause and praise. What a convenient way to absolve these killers of any responsibility for the destruction they leave in their wake. Whether you wish to admit it or not, when you approve, morally, of the bombing of foreign targets by the US military you are approving of acts morally equivalent to the bombing of Oklahoma City."

No doubt his mind had been brutally deranged by being taught the way of war... so he bombed Oklahoma City in hopes that complacent Americans who numbly watch war from their TVs could see what "collateral damage" looks like and cry out against "collateral damage" everywhere. Instead, the same government that taught him to kill, kills him to show that killing is wrong. - Dear God, liberate us from the logic of redemptive violence.

The only victor in war is violence. If this liberation is successful then violence is the hero, for it was only brought about by incredible bloodshed (I'd be glad to show you my pictures or tell you my nightmares). Every time our government chooses to use military force to bring about change in the world, they once again teach our children the myth of redemptive violence, that violence can be a instrument for good. This is precisely the logic we are trying to rid ourselves of, especially here in the inner city. My outcry against this war is rooted in my desperate love for the kids in my North Philly neighborhood. One of them had a girlfriend who was stabbed, and he ran down our street yelling I am declaring "war on that terrorist." War infects us. We begin to believe that violence can bring peace, in our world, in our neighborhoods, in our homes.

Martin Luther King says that he continually taught rejected, angry urban youth that violence and weapons would not solve their problems, but came to realize: "I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems. But they asked, and rightly so, what about Vietnam? They asked if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to bring about the changes it wanted. Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today - my own government." When I got home, the kids on my block had decorated the street with sidewalk chalk that read: "NO WAR - Forever." Therein lies our hope.

Dear God may we cry out to gangs and militaries, lay down your guns... may we pray with Isaiah that all soldiers and gangsters beat their swords into plowshares and study war no more, discover the path of the prophets. May Jesus be the Way, the Truth, the Life in our world of Shortcuts, Propaganda, and Death.

The Christians in Baghdad gave me so much hope in the Church. One day I told some of our Reborn Family that I was surprised to find so many Christians in Iraq and they laughed saying, "We were the first Christians, this is the land of your ancestors." I felt ashamed of my ignorance as I stood on the edge of the Euphrates. In our arrogance we act as though we birthed Christianity in America, when in reality we have perverted and domesticated it. As one Bishop inquired about the American Church's ambivalence to the war, I tried to explain that many Christians were not sure how they felt about the war, and some even saw it as liberation. He could not even conceive of people who followed Jesus believing that this war could bring peace. He just looked me in the eyes and said puzzled, "Then how can they be 'Christians'?" I could only weep with him. The words of one Iraqi mother echo through my soul, "What has happened to your Christianity in America? What has happened to your God of Love and your Prince of Peace?" In this age, many US Christians have let go of the cross to take hold of the flag. In fact, if you were to burn the cross people would stare at you, but if you were to burn the flag people would kill you.

I pray that we would once again dare to follow the Way of the Cross. As we instinctively pick up our swords like Peter, I pray we would heed Christ's warning, "All who draw the sword will die by the sword" (Mt. 26:52). Even before Pilate, the executed Jesus marks his Kingdom and his followers, "My Kingdom is not of this world. If it were my servants would fight" (John 18:36). Lover Jesus, we will trust in the way of the cross, even as the world calls us foolish. We will teach our children that it is more courageous to love their enemies than to kill them. We will teach our kids that there is something worth dying for, but there is nothing worth killing for. We will teach them that violence cannot bring peace, hatred cannot drive out hatred, and darkness cannot pierce darkness. We will support our troops by beating swords into plowshares with them. We will support our troops by providing sanctuary for them when they are Reborn, and pledge the Allegiance that runs deeper than nationalism.

May we continue to enact the Way of the Cross in our world, the way of Pre-Emptive Peace. I truly believe we are in a new era where we are not polarized into the traditional camps, of "Just War Christians" and "Pacifists" in the Church, of "Activists" and "Patriotic-Americans" in the larger society. We are discovering the "third way" of Jesus, a new paradigm, and many new people of conscience are bypassing the unspoken and exclusive rites of passage many of us have created "within the movement". Everywhere I go there are people who may not get arrested doing CD every month, but they are quitely mourning this war and whispering, "This way of solving problems is just not right."

War might seem to work for the powerful, just as robbing a bank might seem to work for the poor - but there is a better Way that leads to life. Nearly the whole world cried out against this war, and the incredible thing is that I believe that outcry was rooted in the understanding that Saddam Hussein is a wicked tyrrant and that there is better way to free a household from an abusive father than by burning down the house. I believe this global groaning for peace will only grow stronger, Perhaps in the days to come we will be able to dream the dream of the Other Superpower, the Beloved Community. And in the days to come every war will be an attack on an entire People crying out for peace. One of the hospital mangagers put it like this: "Violence is for those who have lost their imagination. Has America lost its imagination?"

One more sidenote...
There are so many alternatives to this war, and while it is important to get practical, I cannot explore these in detail here, but much of the world is dreaming together (I will be speaking to part of the UN next week). These alternatives, like the International Criminal Court (which the US opposed, because we would also be held accountable to the court) could provide an orderly structure to charge criminals like Osama and Saddam (and others I will not name!) without violating international law by imposing things like war and sanctions (For instance, Timothy McVeigh bombed Oklahoma City but we did not start an embargo to starve his family, or begin bombing his neighborhood.) But for these to work it will take great humility from the United States, the humility that comes with the recognition that we are only 5% of the world's population and that if we want to hold criminals and oppressors accountable, our international criminals and oppressors in powerful places will also be accountable to the international body. Domestically we claim to believe in democracy and justice. Do we have the courage to believe in global democracy? It is not that nonviolence has been tried and failed, but nonviolence has never been tried with as much passion and risk and money as war. Until the peacemakers have as much courage for peace as the warmakers have for war... nothing will ever change.


nate said...

A few months ago a kid back from Iraq took his face off with a shotgun due to post-traumatic stress. It happened a few miles from my house. A few days ago another iraq vet with post taumatic stress syndrome went a little crazy, flashed a gun, and got shot 9 times by cops (he never fired a shot). He lived a few blocks from me.

It's pretty sad. Very sad. The "war" (it was never declared a war by congress) is leaving a trail of dead over there and over here. I'm praying for an end and for the families of all the victims.

Touching post!

Jen Kent said...

Thanks for posting this, Becky! It says a lot of what I've been thinking (and have thought about the war all along) in a much more eloquent way than I ever could.

Anonymous said...

“I can respect an honest pacifist, though I believe he is entirely mistaken.”
-C.S. Lewis

Becky, I don’t usually get too involved with posting comments, but this is definitely an article that I had to give a rebuttal on. I’m obviously not in the military, but my grandfather was in WWII, my father was drafted for Vietnam, and my older brother has spent several tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bosnia. I’ve heard and learned a thing or two about the military during my lifetime and how it relates to Christianity.

I’m not an eloquent writer, but I have strong feelings about what I believe in regards to the article that was posted. I’ll do my best to provide adequate truth to relay my thoughts. I warn you, it may become long (but hopefully not long-winded).

This article was written from a very myopic viewpoint and there is clearly a misunderstanding of the nature of statehood. This is a liberal article that mixes in Christianity and twists Biblical text to support its position. There are so many mistaken thoughts in this article that I don’t even know where to begin. I mean this author no disrespect. However, his perceived “enlightenment” during his time in Iraq lacks critical analysis and has dismissed opposing arguments by not addressing them. There are reasons that the International Criminal Courts are opposed by America. For example, who is going to go out to arrest those who are charged in the ICC? There is no world police. Why does America have a stockpile (a significantly decreased one at that since the end of the Cold War) of weapons? Hmm, let’s take a look at the history of the persistent Muslim conflict and what we know from Scripture about that area of the world. I certainly don’t want to be unarmed, do you? Likewise, this author is not familiar with our National Security Strategy and why we choose to conduct “business” on the enemies soil vs. letting them come to us. A lot more research should have been done before this article was ever written.

Before I dig in, let me start off my addressing what I felt was a very insulting part of this article. The reference to Timothy McVeigh supposedly turning into an “animal” because of his time at war is preposterous. McVeigh was a gunner on a Bradley fighting vehicle during Desert Storm. The ground war lasted 100 hours—hardly the time it would take to transform him into a “beast” who would do the bombing. Let’s not forget his drug use, his transient lifestyle, and the questionable affiliations/tyrannical associations that he already had. How dare the author of this article compare the millions of good men and outstanding soldiers that our country has had since it’s beginnings with that of a complete lunatic. Enough said.

As far as McVeigh receiving the death penalty for his atrocities, I’ll try to be brief.

“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience.”
Romans 13: 1-5

“The authority of human government has been ordained by God and is therefore to be obeyed, except when it demands disobedience to the will of God as revealed in Scripture.

After the fall, man’s depravity brought increasing disintegration toward disorder and anarchy. Therefore, God instituted a more stringent system of human government, and the judicial penalty of death for murder was established.”
Lieutenant Colonel William T. Waldrop, USAF (Ret.)

The facts are very simple. The government “bears the sword.” I’m all for capital punishment because it’s lawful. I’m only saddened by the fact that as our country changes (for the worse) and becomes more and more liberal in its stance on punishing criminals, we all suffer. Crime rates are all on the rise and it makes sense as to why. America does not have proper punishment. Proper punishment deters crime. Take a look at Singapore—a nation of little crime because of its quick and severe punishment. As our country fails to continue to enforce proper punishment we will become more and more sinful in our nature. One day I am quite sure that capital punishment will be abolished in our nation. The liberals will be thrilled and will somehow think that they are benefiting humanity. I’m not so sure that God would agree. I’m simply tired of hearing criminals cry out for their “rights” to be upheld. I’m tired of wasting taxpayers money on murderers and rapists to be put up in prison cells for the rest of their lives, receiving three meals a day, watching cable TV, working out at their state-of-the-art gyms, and tying up the court systems with their constant appeals. These convicted criminals have lost their “rights.” Give me a break!!!!!

So much for being brief on the Timothy McVeigh topic. Now, on to the heart of the article…

“Some Christians develop their pacifistic beliefs from Scripture. Others see the weight of Scripture falling on the side of military participation. The reason that this old debate continues is simple—the Bible does not expressly forbid the believer from engaging in war, nor does it clearly direct him to be a combatant. Careful interpretation of applicable passages throughout the whole of Scripture is required to arrive at a satisfactory answer.”
Lieutenant Colonel William T. Waldrop, USAF (Ret.)

The Hebrew verb used in the sixth commandment in Exodus 20:13 means “to murder,” not “to kill.” Many Christian pacifists incorrectly use this commandment as an argument against war. The fact is that many times in the Old Testament we see that God commanded the people of Israel to wage war against cities (Deuteronomy 20:16,17; Joshua 10:40-42). Likewise, Abraham had lawful involvement in war to rescue his nephew, Lot (Genesis 14). These are timeless illustrations of righteous wars that were commanded by God. God could not have commanded war if it were sinful. The fact that war involves killing does not mean that war is always sinful.

Now, I’ll be the first one to say that war is not a desired outcome to any situation. However, there are times when it is a must. Likewise, I’ll readily admit to the fact that surely not everyone behind America entering the war in Iraq was on the up and up. Although there are many good politicians, there are also many distasteful politicians who lie and manipulate to serve their own desires. I don’t know that we’ll ever know what has been truth in this war and what has not been truth. Perhaps there were some righteous reasons for going into Iraq. Perhaps there were some unrighteous reasons for going into Iraq. With as little information as I have I surely cannot answer that question appropriately. The point that I’d like to get across is this…Christianity and pacifism do not go hand-in-hand.

The author if this article cries out for peace. It sure sounds nice, but it’s not accurate. Those who are familiar with Scripture know that there will never be peace in our world—not until God reigns over the Earth again. War is a must and war will continue to happen. As Christians, we have a responsibility to defend the weak, the poor, and the needy. I am proud of our Christian soldiers and what they stand for. Don’t fall prey to the humanistic philosophy that is portrayed in this misguided and offensive article. Think for yourself and make sure that your thoughts are always properly aligned with Scripture.

On a personal note, I’m ashamed that the author of this article goes as far as to lump our military into the same sentence as gangs. That’s disgraceful. Has the author forgotten how his freedom to worship was achieved in the first place? I have lied awake at night worried about my brother…worried that he may be killed in war. Praise the Lord that my brother is currently home and out of harms way for the time being. But let me tell you that his stories are much different from the author’s stories. Men, women, and children have wept with gratitude to our soldiers for protecting them, for providing food, shelter, and clothing for them. Don’t ever tell me that this war has done no good. A murderer (Saddam Hussein) will murder no more. It is so unfortunate to me that we are all too often swayed by the temper of our times, rather than by the objective evaluation of the biblical evidence that we have before us. Let us not forget that although most philosophical arguments are morally attractive, they flounder in light of the reality that man is sinful. Man has a fallen nature. Satan is loose in this world and war will persist. Yes, God said, “blessed are the peacemakers,” but he also said, “I am come not to bring peace, but a sword.” Obviously this implies that we cannot always turn the other cheek to the evil that persists in our world. To do what is right will often cause conflict.

Let me end with a quote…

“All wars accomplish something, but we must be careful not to expect that war can do more than its nature makes possible. War does not, in and of itself, do good. It may prevent evil, or execute justice, or make possible a political climate for good to be done, but it is seldom a positive force for good itself.

Further, no war—except Christ’s—will end all wars, nor will any war bring about all the utopian goals we sometimes claim for it in our propaganda. To recognize that war does not end itself, or accomplish everything, however, is not to deny that it does do something—and that perhaps what it does may be worth the cost.”
Lieutenant Colonel Al Shine, USA Professor of Military Sciences, Wheaton College

Sincerely written by Karen

Becky said...

Karen, thanks for such an eloquent and well-written response. I can tell that you are very passionate about this topic. You make some excellent points and given me a lot to consider. So thanks for commenting!

Anonymous said...

Becky, I appreciate you taking the time to read my diatribe! My purpose was and is not to offend, but I strongly felt I needed to post a response because anytime I see my fellow Christians leaning towards social Christianity or humanistic philosopy I become very concerned. So many things that the liberals stand for may sound good on the outside but the fact is that they don't align with the morality of Scripture (hard as it is to comprehend sometimes). If very many of my thoughts started to line up with what the world was currently thinking...I'd become very, very worried about where my beliefs went wrong and how I had been duped by Satan. I'd need to remind myself that Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
