Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

Well, that didn't last long.

Apparently Anoop is gone. I didn't watch the show, but from the recap I read, I didn't miss much. In fact, with the new elimination format they are using, I can finally say that I'm so over American Idol.

In other news, we leave a week from today for New York for my sister's wedding. Yesterday my dad texted this picture from Sara's backyard ...
It's gonna be a cold five days.

Anyway, Sara's the third (and last) of my siblings to get married. Did you know I'm the oldest of four? This might sound kind of weird, but I always had a strong feeling that I'd be the last to get married. So, Sara, I guess I should say thanks for not waiting too long.

My turn now?


Christer said...

Becky QUICK! There's still time!

Anonymous said...

I am not too happy about the format of this season, myself.

And the show stunk.

I didn't get to watch the elimination show, but from what I heard Tatiana was preposterous.

I wanted Ann Marie to be the girl who went through, and she didn't make it.

I am still holding out a hope that I can enjoy AI sometime this season!!

And you just made me have a thought: I wonder if my girls will get married in order?????


Ok, now I am not going to think of that ANYMORE for a LONG TIME! LOL

mandy said...

I love that "my turn now?" Just made me smile...

My BFF just fell in love - she'll be 30 in June!

Amber said...

Hee hee. I feel a new pool with Katy coming on...

Christer said...

Amber, Katy, I'm in. I'm calling for engagement by this August, and wedding by the close of 2009.

No pressure, Chris [but do right by a brotha'].

Becky said...

Oh GREAT. Thanks a whole lot, brother.

Don't you know what he's a contrarian and and hates doing what people expect?

Amber said...

OK, Well to the contrarian then: I'm putting my money on dating for 3 years and a 5 year engagement. Go on, prove me wrong.