Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My New Neighbors

They just built a Taco Bell right outside my front door. Literally. It's maybe a few hundred yards away from my couch.

This is ironic, considering they're like my least favorite chain restaurant of all time. Now I must greet each day with a purple and orange neon sign.

Taco Bell? More Like Taco Hell.


thechristeam said...

Maybe you should move soon.

Jen Kent said...

Amen to calling it Taco Hell. That's what I call it too. YUCK! So sorry you have to look at it all the time!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna throw up. I'm gonna throw up. I'm gonna throw up!!!!

I would have to move! Seriously.

And that video really made me gag!! LOL

Becky said...

We're actually going to rent that place very soon. Perhaps it will be a selling (or renting, i guess) point for someone.

Anyone in the Colorado Springs area know of someone who wants to rent a beautiful 2 bedroom townhome and have easy access to Taco Bell?

Carolyn said...

HAHAHAHA! I find this to be very funny and appropriate.

Christer said...

Think outside the bun.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!