Monday, March 30, 2009

Is it dorky that I find this cool?

Hi peeps.

I know it's Monday and I should have a new post for you today. I don't have much time, so here's a video that made me smile.

I dedicate this video to Orsa, the best sheep herder I know.


kjersten said...


Sheep Droppings said...

This is hilarious! I'm going to have to post this on Sheep Droppings! One of my favorite things to do in the summer is go to the Sheep Dog Trials -- they really know how to move those sheep.

Amber said...

Oh my gosh.

Who said the country life was boring?

Chris Giovagnoni said...

Orsa wants to know why those sheep don't look like Havana.

Carolyn said...

Flippin' awesome!